MS Global Citizenship, Leadership in Action
Reflecting and Recording / Personal Global Footprint (1-5 Dec)
- Finish presentations
- Self- and peer-assessments
- Written reflection on learning in Area 1 Essential Question: Why is it important to understand other people?
AREA 2 - Personal Global Footprint
Essential question: What impact do YOU have on your environment?
- What is your personal global footprint?
- How could you buy goods that have less environmental and social impact?
- Being good with money
- Environmental responsibility
Calculate your Global Footprint
Step 1: Visit these websites to calculate your global footprint.
Step 2: What did you learn? What can you change that would improve life on planet earth?
Your footprint is broken down into four consumption categories:
- carbon (home energy use and transportation)
- food
- housing
- goods and services
(Challenge) Step 3: What bias(es) can you identify in each organization's quiz? How do you know? Does this improve or detract from their credibility? What makes you think so?
WEDNESDAY 3 DECEMBER--Student Council Meeting
- Committees work on projects
- December/January and Dance on January 9: When/where/theme/music/food/decorations/karaoke/games/prizes/EVERYONE INVOLVED.
- Plan 'Thursday announcements' for PA/whole school
Step 2: What did you learn? What can you change that would improve life on planet earth?
The Men Who Made Us Spend
If this apple represents the earth, how much of the world's surface produces food for the entire population?
Social networks