The sixth grade course of study particularly aims to build independence and agency required in the transition from the structure of elementary to middle grades.

Language is fundamental to learning, thinking and communicating, as well as providing an intellectual framework to support conceptual development. It plays a central role in developing critical thinking, cultivating international-mindedness, exploring and sustaining personal development and cultural identity, and responsibly participating in local, national and global communities. 

The language and literature courses equips students with linguistic, analytical and communicative skills that help to develop interdisciplinary understanding. The course includes a balanced study of genres and literary texts, including a world literature component. 

Students’ interactions with texts generate moral, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental insights. Through their studies, students learn how to form opinions, make decisions, and engage in ethical reasoning. 

The course is organized around global concepts of perspective, communication, creativity, and connections as well as subject-specific concepts for the study of literature and language. 

Native Croatian in Grade 6 is a language and literature course based on the Middle Years Program (MYP) approach to learning and the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) Standards. The content is carefully selected from the Croatian National Curriculum, and enriched with concepts, skills and texts relevant to the AISZ student.

Students will study the geography of the world, which will be divided into two branches: physical and human. Physical geography is the study of natural features on the surface of the earth, whereas human geography is the study of people as they have spread across the Earth. Lessons are designed to teach critical thinking, cooperative learning, research proficiency, seamless integration of technology, and mastery of geography skills. Using a hands-on project based approach to learning students will use the tools of geography to view, analyze and understand the world around them. 


Physical Science

In the physical sciences, performance expectations at the middle school level focus on students developing understanding of several scientific practices. These include developing and using models, planning and conducting investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematical and computational thinking, and constructing explanations; and to use these practices to demonstrate understanding of the core ideas. Students are also expected to demonstrate understanding of several of engineering practices including design and evaluation.  These practices will be demonstrated through 5 units: 

  1. Matter
  2. Forces and Interactions
  3. Energy
  4. Waves
  5. Engineering Technology and Science

More detailed information can be found at the Next Generation Science Standards Website