MS Information & Communication Technology / PhotoShop
Keep Track of What was Covered in the Class by Clicking Here
3rd Week (September 15 - September 19)
1. Tips and Tricks
1. Close Windows on your computer: Alt + F4
2. When you are in a Java Script program, for example Chrome: CRTL+W
3. Shortcut to open Bookmarks in Chrome: CTRL+D
4. Copy: CTRL+C
5. Paste: CTRL+V
6. E-mail Inbox setup:
- creating labels
- archiving email
- forwarding unwanted e-mail to spam/trash
- starring email
- postpone sending email for up to 30 sec! -- Gmail settings
- use signature -- Gmail settings
- vacation responder -- Gmail settings
2. Information Literacy
3. Digital Citizenship
9 elements of digital citizenship
3. Being proficient and efficient in writing emails:
- use subject line
- say WHAT?, WHEN? & WHY? (in that order!), do not bother your recipients with the HOW...
- nobody likes long e-mails
- style: formal/informal
- RE-READ & ask yourself is it clear???
Social networks