French Grade 5 Mme Kenderic
Weekly outline
- General
- 24 August - 30 August
24 August - 30 August
B o n j o u r e t B i e n v e n u e !
vendredi, le 29 aout: Discussed class expectations; sang a rap, completed birthday information. BON WEEK-END, TOUT LE MONDE!
- 31 August - 6 September
31 August - 6 September
lundi, le 1er septembre: We played "La chasse aux tresors" (French scavenger hunt); students read a description written by a student; using adjectives to describe oneself.
mardi, le 2 septembre: Students completed their draft copy of the guided composition; they used bilingual dictionaries to find adjectives.
jeudi, le 3 septembre: Students completed their final good copy of the guided composition. Practiced reading to each other.
vendredi, le 4 septembre: Students received their textbook; prepared our portfolios; students completed their Unit 1 self-assessment for their portfolios; discussed symbols of the francophone world. Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 7 September - 13 September
7 September - 13 September
lundi le 8 septembre: Completed "Page Titres"; discussed other symbols of the francophone world. Discussed ways to organize one's "classeur" (binder). Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mardi. (No homework for Tuesday.)
mardi, le 9 septembre: Learned/reviewed greetings, partings; practiced formal and informal greetings; practiced greetings using different intonation. Il n'y a pas de devoirs. (No homework.)
vendredi le 12 septembre: Logged on to BearNET; discussed the information that is on our Grade 5 site; completed listening/reading (greetings/partings); DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 15 SEPTEMBRE: You need to teach your parents how to log on our BearNET site.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 14 September - 20 September
14 September - 20 September
lundi le 15 septembre: Completed reading/writing tasks; learned/reviewed the alphabet in French; discussed French accents and marks; DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 16 SEPTEMBRE: Practice spelling your names Below is "Le Rap de l'alphabet" to help you with the sounds of the letters. For those of you who need extra practice, there is also a video.
mardi le 16 septembre: Asking / Answering questions regading name/how it is spelled; practiced spelling words and names; discussed the importance of making connections (meanings of words to one's native/English language); learned the names of the main characaters of "Les Trois Mousquetaires".
jeudi le 18 septembre: Read and put a dialogue in order; discussed French nouns and how they are feminine and masculine; the use of the indefinite articles "un / une"; pronunciation of "un / une + masculine and feminine nouns". DEVOIRS POUR VENDREDI LE 19 SEPTEMBRE: Complete tasks 1, 2, and 3 on the hand-out.
vendredi le 19 septembre: Corrected homework; reviewed/learned to use numbers from 0-20; played "BRAVO" (using numbers 11-20). Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
- 21 September - 27 September
21 September - 27 September
lundi le 22 septembre: We learned to write numbers from 0 - 20; learned math signs; we did math sentences; we learned about accents; we listened to "robots" tell their names; we practiced spelling words with accents and saying them: we practiced our Peace Day song: DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 23 SEPTEMBRE: Complete on hand-out page 5 ex. 1 and 2.
mardi le 23 septembre: We checked our homework, sang "La chanson de la paix"; we practiced spelling proper and common nouns; we learned about "la francophonie"; picked countries for our project. DEVOIRS POUR VENDREDI: Get ready for a quiz. Can you use numbers from 0 to 20? Can you spell words (including accents and marks)?
jeudi le 25 septembre: Explained and discussed the expectations of the project "La francophonie dans le monde"; students began research in computer lab. (Set up a folder FRANÇAIS.) We will continue working on our research tomorrow (Friday). Your quiz is postponed to Monday, September 29.
DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 29 SEPTEMBRE: Quiz - numbers 0 to 20, spelling words and names when listening to the French alphabet.
- 28 September - 4 October
28 September - 4 October
lundi le 29 septembre: Students wrote quiz for number zero to twenty; reviewed/learned vocabulary for classroom objects focusing on gender and pronunciation (C'est un.. C'est une... Ce sont des); students completed "Mes Mots" chart. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mardi.
mardi, le 30 septembre: Portofolio (completed "Mon Dossier") Went over the quiz; listened to a dialogue regarding classroom vocabulary: lesson focus - possessive adjectives "mon, ma, mes" + "ton, ta, tes" + "son, sa, ses"; practiced answering questions using these (ex. C'est ta trousse? - Oui, c'est ma trousse." Reminder: for those students who wish to have a re-test of the quiz, it will take place Thursday at 12:30 in our French classroom.
Jeudi le 2 octobre: Students worked in the IT lab; printed out pictures and map for their project "La francophonie dans le monde"; completed research. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour vendredi.
vendredi le 3 octobre: Students began to prepare the final "affiche" of their project "La francophonie dans le monde" Don't forget! Some of you need to finish researching facts for Monday's class.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 5 October - 11 October
5 October - 11 October
lundi le 6 octobre: Students completed a peer evaluation of their research project "La francophonie dans le monde"; learned what the singular possessive adjectives are and how they are used (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses). Practiced reading and writing tasks using possessive adjectives.Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
mardi le 7 octobre: We reviewed/practiced using vocabulary (mes affaires d'ecole); continued practicing using possessive adjectives (reading/writing/speaking tasks). Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 12 October - 18 October
12 October - 18 October
le 13 octobre: Began learning song "C'est l'Halloween"!, practiced using possessive adjectives "mon/ma/mes, etc.", learned the forms of the verb "etre". DEVOIRS: Tomorrow, you will have a little quiz on the words for classroom objects and possessive adjectives. Do you know the words and their meanings? Can you use "mon, ma, mes, etc.) with the words?
le 14 octobre: Chanson: "C'est l'Halloween!"Students had the quiz on classroom objects and possessive adjectives; we continued to practice and use the forms of the irregular verb "etre". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
le 16 octobre: Chanson: "C'est l'Halloween!" Students completed reading/writing tasks using the forms of the verb "etre"; learned how to use "les pronoms toniques" (moi, toi, lui, elle). DEVOIRS POUR VENDREDI LE 17 OCTOBRE: Complete ex. 1 and ex. 2 on hand-out (numbers, the verbe "etre")
le 17 octobre: Chantons! Students learned to express opinions (C'est + genial, tres bien, super, pas mal, nul); corrected tasks; used C'est + pronom tonique to complete a reading task; learned about Alexandre Dumas et Les Trois Mousquetaires; listened to, read, and performed chapter 1 in our comic strip. IL N'Y A PAS DE DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI!
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 19 October - 25 October
19 October - 25 October
le 20 octobre: Students played a scene from "Les Trois Mousquetaires"; began guided composition "C'est moi!" (focus vocabulary - verbes etre, avoir, verbe + infinitif, le negatif, vocabulaire de l'Halloween, adjectifs, description d'un personnage). Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour le 21 octobre
le 21 octobre: Students finished writing "C'est moi....!" paragraphs; practiced reading to each other (focus: years, age). Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour le 23 octobre.
le 23 octobre: Students prepared their post unit self-assessment for their portfolios; read their stories; completed the missing vocabulary in "C'est l'Halloween". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour le 24 octobre.
le 24 octobre: Students prepared their self-assessment for Unit 2. Reviewed or learned prepositions to locate objects/people. (devant, derrière, sur, sous, entre, dans) Completed reading and writing tasks to answer "Où est + le, la, l' + noun? / Où sont + les + noun" . Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 26 October - 1 November
26 October - 1 November
le 27 octobre: Completed work with prepositions; asking and answering activity; review/learning to write numbers to 49; practicing these numbers. DEVOIRS POUR MARDI: Practice the numbers to 49; below is a link to games for numbers to 100 (countin in 10's)"les dizaines" (10's to 100)
le 28 octobre: Reviewed numbers (a race game); listened to a dialogue and discussed the content; reviewed two ways of asking age and how to answer: "J'ai .. ans, Tu as ... ans, Il a ... ans, Elle a ... ans"; practiced asking and answering age; reviewed or learned the names of the months of the year; learned how to answer "C'est quand ton anniversaire? Ton anniversaire, c'est quand?" Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
le 30 octobre: Practiced using (orally and in writing) the months of the year. Played BINGO (numbers, Halloween vocabulary, prepositions) DEVOIRS: Practice months and numbers, as well as Halloween vocabulary, by trying out the activities uploaded below.
Linguascope activites; Halloween vocabulary
Listen and write the months
Listening and writing: using days of the week and months of the year
- 2 November - 8 November
2 November - 8 November
le 3 novembre: Warm-up with math sentences (plus/moins/fois/divisé par = font); learned how to use prepositions "avant entre après" with months; completed reading/writing task; introduced to the forms of the verb "avoir". DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 4 NOVEMBRE: A Little Quiz! Listening and recognizing numbers from 0 - 39, months of the year, using "avant entre après" Writing the months of the year (review the spelling)
le 4 novembre: Students completed little quiz; introduction to "Ma Famille" vocabulary (including extension of vocabury such as "fils unique/fille unique". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mercredi, le 5 novembre.
le 5 novembre: Students used Linguascope to reinforce/review vocabulary (ma familles, les nombers). Students introduced the members of the family. (ex. Dans ma famille, il y a cinq personnes: mon pere, ma mere,mes deux freres et moi.) Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi, le 10 novembre.
Bon wee-end, tout le monde!
- 9 November - 15 November
9 November - 15 November
lundi le 10 novembre: Began to learn our songs for the Holiday Concert; students re-read and reflected on the stories they wrote (Halloween) for the portfolio; learned some Thanksgiving vocabulary; prepared "Je dis merci!". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
mardi le 11 novembre: Practiced song; reviewed members of the family (vocabulary); completed tasks in textbook about family and extended family words (ex. half-brother). Practice using family vocabulary by opening the links below.
jeudi le 13 novembre: Practiced song; completed "Mes Mots" with members of the family; added vocabulary for pets; introduced to the negative "ne // pas // DE". DEVOIRS POUR VENDREDI LE 14 NOVEMBRE: Review / learn / practice vocabulary for family members and pets.
vendredi le 14 novembre: Reviewed using possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, etc.) with vocabulary of family members and pets; reviewed and practiced using the negative (ne pas) + De. DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 17 NOVEMBRE: Review words for family members; complete 2 tasks on hand-out.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 16 November - 22 November
16 November - 22 November
le 17 novembre: Reviewed and practiced using articles and possessive adjectives; completed words to the poem "Merci"; practiced singing "Noel jazz" and began "Il est ne ". DEVOIRS POUR LE 18 NOVEMBRE: You will have a quiz on family members on Thursday: do you know the words for all family members? do you know how to spell them? can you recognize them when used in sentences?
le 18 novembre: Practiced asking and answering questions regarding family members/pets and answering in both the affirmative and in the negative. Learned the forms of the verb 'AVOIR" (TO HAVE); practiced using the forms. DEVOIRS POUR JEUDI LE 20 NOVEMBRE: Remember! You have a quiz THURSDAY about the words used to identify family members.
le 20 novembre: Students practiced song; completed quiz (la famille); reviewed/practiced using "avoir" and "etre"; subject verb agreements with these two verbs; began to read/learn about "La fete de l'action de grace". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour vendredi.
le 21 novembre: Discussed details about pictures for students' family albums (see below). Learned vocabulary for parts of a Thanksgiving meal. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
Details about the pictures you need to send to me by December 1st
- 23 November - 29 November
23 November - 29 November
le 24 novembre: Practiced our 2 songs for the Winter Concert; students began their draft paragraphs describing members of their family for their "Album de photos". DEVOIRS: You need to select your pictures and send them to me by December 1st.
le 25 novembre: Students continued to write their draft copies for the "Album de photos"; focus on expanding vocabulary (verbs, adjectives). DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE premier DECEMBRE: Pictures should be sent by this date.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 30 November - 6 December
30 November - 6 December
le premier decembre: Students completed "brouillon"; some students have not sent their pictures for the album; must do so as soon as possible so that the activity can be completed. (The pictures were due today!)
le 2 decembre: Students continued to work on the final copy of their "Album de photos".
There is no homework for Thursday.
le 4 decembre: Students used the last class for their "Album de photos". Final copy must be handed in at the beginning of the class, Monday, December 8.
le 5 decembre: Reviewed forms of "avoir/etre"; learned expressions used with "avoir"; practiced using both verbs and expressions used with "avoir". DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 8 DECEMBRE: Your "Album de photos" needs to be handed in at the beginning of the class.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 7 December - 13 December
7 December - 13 December
lundi, le 8 decembre: Students prepared the self-evaluation for their "Album de photos"; completed activity "C'est Noel". Students received a checklist to help prepare for the Unit 2 test. We discussed each point. UNIT 2 TEST: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. We will do in-class review Thursday but, you should also study/review on your own (a bit each night). Don't leave all your studying to the night before!
mardi, le 9 decembre: No Class - All school assembly in honour of the launch of "How to Get a Girlfriend"
jeudi le 11 decembre: Completed review tasks for Friday's unit test. Make sure you use your checklist as you prepare for the test.
vendredi le 12 decembre: Students completed Unit 2 test.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 14 December - 20 December
14 December - 20 December
le 15 decembre: reviewed uses of "etre / avoir", and the negative "ne ... pas / n' ... pas". DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 16 DECEMBRE: Complete the tasks page 2 of the hand-out.
le 16 decembre: Listened to "Les Trois Mousquetaires"; students presented the scene; students checked their unit test. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
- 21 December - 27 December
21 December - 27 December
Vacances! - Winter Break!
- 28 December - 3 January
28 December - 3 January
Vacances! - Winter Break!
- 4 January - 10 January
4 January - 10 January
Bienvenue, Ivan et James!
jeudi, le 8 janvier: Students prepared portfolios for Unit 3. Read and discussed "les resolutions pour l'an 2015"; learned how to use "je vais/je dois/je veux + infinitif" to communicate resolutions; prepared sentences for their resolutions. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour vendredi.
vendredi, le 9 janvier: Practiced singing a "winter" song. Students learned new vocabulary (foods, beverages, meals); learned about the four main meals in France; prepared a writing activity with new vocabulary. DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 12 JANVIER: Review and practice new vocabulary: the meals, foods and beverages. Don't forget to cut and paste under which meal you would eat these foods or drink the beverages!
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 11 January - 17 January
11 January - 17 January
lundi le 12 janvier: Students learned about some cheese in France and tried some "camembert"; learned/reviewed "J'aime + definite article or Je n'aime pas + definite article" with foods (I like/I don't like). Learned the words for more foods/beverages. There is no homework for Tuesday.
mardi, le 13 janvier: Students worked in the computer lab: logged on to Rosetta Stone and began working at their individual levels. (Students can access Rosetta Stone from home, as well.) There is no homework for Thursday.
jeudi, le 15 janvier: Continued to work with vocabulary (foods); practiced asking/answering what foods/drinks you like using "le, la, l', les", answering in the negative using "ne ... pas / n' ... pas". There is no homework for Friday.
vendredi, le 16 janvier: Reviewed vocabulary for foods/beverages; completed three reading/writing/speaking tasks; introduced to the partitive articles "du, de la, de l', des". DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 19 JANVIER: Two Listening Activities - complete the 2 tasks on the hand-out. The "pistes" (tracks") are uploaded below.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 18 January - 24 January
18 January - 24 January
lundi le 19 janvier: Students practiced using partitive articles (some) - du, de la, de l', des. Also learned when to use "un/une" with certain foods. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mardi (no homework for Tuesday).
mardi le 20 janvier: Students continued to practice communicating "want/eat/drink" + partitive articles. Reviewed feminine and masculine forms of nouns for foods and beverages. Completed reading, speaking and writing tasks using partitive articles + foods/beverages. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 22 janvier: Students used partitive articles to communicate what they want to eat/drink. Learned how to use the articles in the negative (pas/// de - pas/// d'). Began homework: Mon sandwich ideal" DEVOIRS POUR VENDREDI (homework for Friday): Finish writing/drawing "Mon sandwich ideal". Be ready to present tomorrow.
vendredi le 23 janvier: Students presented "Mon sandwich ideal"; reviewed/practiced using definite articles + foods and beverages, and partitive articles + foods and beverages. We played "A la peche!", a card game. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 25 January - 31 January
25 January - 31 January
Bienvenue, Lipa!
lundi le 26 janvier: Students learned key phrases to use in a restaurant (both questions and answers); they began to create skits (conversations) using questions and answers to present a scene in a restaurant. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
mardi le 27 janvier: Students continued to create their skits; began practicing their lines. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 29 janvier: Students presented their skits "Au restaurant". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour vendredi.
vendredi le 30 janvier: Students learned about "La Chandeleur"; learned vocabulary for ingredients for "les crepes"; learned a "dicton" (proverb); used partitive articles. DEVOIRS: There is no homework for Monday's class. However, there will be a quiz on Tuesday, February 3 on vocabulary (foods and beverages). Do you know the meanings of the different foods and beverages? Do you know if they are masculine? feminine? singular? plural? (ex. les frites / des frites). The quiz will have a listening comprehension section, and a reading section.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 1 February - 7 February
1 February - 7 February
lundi le 2 fevrier: C'est la Chandeleur! We made and ate crepes.
REMINDER: You have a vocabulary quiz tomorrow, Tuesday, February 3. Do you know the meanings of the different foods and beverages? Do you know if they are masculine? feminine? singular? plural? (ex. les frites / des frites). The quiz will have a listening comprehension section, and a reading section.
mardi le 3 fevrier: Students completed quiz. Learned about "Les Carnavals"; focus on "Le Carnaval de Quebec". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 5 fevrier: Students worked on Rosetta Stone. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
vendredi le 6 fevrier: Students re-read the information regarding "Le Carnaval de Quebec" - in pairs, listed new vocabulary words; learned meanings in French. Went over the quiz results. Played "A la peche!" Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 8 February - 14 February
8 February - 14 February
lundi le 9 fevrier: Presented skits "les trois mousquetaires"; reviewed/learned the formation of -ER verbs in the present singular form; practiced using some verbs in the present tense (meanings, pronunciation) both in the affirmative and in the negative. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mardi
mardi le 10 fevrier: Continued working with -ER verbs in the singular forms. DEVOIRS POUR JEUDI LE 12 FEVRIER: Learn the meanings of the verbs and review how to use them with "je, j', tu, il, elle".
jeudi le 12 fevrier: Worked in the computer lab using Rosetta Stone. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
vendredi le 13 fevrier: Students reviewed singular forms of -ER verbs; introduced to plural forms with "Nous, Vous, Ils, Elles". Played "A la peche" Il n'y a pas de devoirs!
Bonnes vacances, tout le monde!
- 15 February - 21 February
15 February - 21 February
Les vacances!
- 22 February - 28 February
22 February - 28 February
lundi le 23 fevrier: Warmed-up with speaking tasks (in pairs); learned the plural forms of regular -ER verbs; practiced speaking, reading, and writing both the singular and plural forms of -ER verbs. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mardi.
mardi le 24 fevrier: Continued working with -ER verbs (both singular and plural). Created sentences/statements both in the affirmative and the negative. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 26 fevrier: Students worked with Rosetta Stone. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
vendredi le 27 fevrier: Students completed warm-up activities (vocabulary and verbs); watched a film about "L'ours polaire" and completed questions. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 1 March - 7 March
1 March - 7 March
lundi le 2 mars: Completed reading/writing/speaking tasks using -ER verbs; labeled a map of France with major cities, rivers, mountains, bordering countries. DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 3 MARS: Complete exercises on hand-out (Les verbes en -ER).
mardi le 3 mars: Finished labeling map of France with major cities, mountain ranges; completed Portfolios. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 5 mars: Worked with Rosetta Stone
vendredi le 6 mars: Prepared Portfolio for Unit 4; completed final reading and writing tasks using -ER verbs; learned new vocabulary for some sports and activities. DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 10: Quiz TUESDAY! Using -ER verbs (know the meanings of the verbs and how to use them in sentences.) There are 2 online activities below.
Bon week-end, tout le monde! - 8 March - 14 March
8 March - 14 March
lundi le 9 mars: No Class
mardi le 10 mars: Students completed quiz on -ER verbs; discussed "La Francophonie dans le monde" and prepared a card to celebrate "la francophonie". DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 16 MARS: Do some research on Internet and complete this month's WL Contest which focuses on "La Francophonie". Bring the completed contest form to class Monday!
- 15 March - 21 March
15 March - 21 March
lundi le 16 mars: Corrected last week's quiz; learned new vocabulary for sports and activities; learned that some sports/activities need only 1 verb, some use the verb "jouer + preposition", and some use "faire + preposition". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour devoirs pour demain.
mardi le 17 mars: Continued to work with the verbs "jouer" and "faire" to communicate different sports/activities. Answer question "Qu'est-ce que tu fais?" Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 19 mars: Played charades with actions using "jouer" or 1 verb; learned vocabulary to communicate activities that use the verbe "faire". Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
vendredi le 20 mars: Watched a news report from France regarding the eclipse of the sun; practiced using "jouer" and "faire" + sport or activity; learned the forms of the verb "faire" and completed tasks. DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 23 MARS: Below is a link to 18 activities using -ER verbs. Click on the link; click on "FRENCH -ER VERBS", try out the activities!
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 22 March - 28 March
22 March - 28 March
le 23 mars: Continued to work with new vocabulary (sports/hobbies), prepositions, and the verbs we need to use to communicate what we do in our free time. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
mardi, le 24 mars: Played in the courtyard "Promenons-nous dans les bois"; learned how to communicate likes and wants using 2 verbs (aimer+ infinitif, vouloir + infinitif). Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
jeudi le 25 mars: Students completed listening comprehension (sports and activities) and writing tasks (using -ER verbs) in the computer lab.
- You will need to listen to "piste" (track) 8 et piste 9. (uploaded below). Listen to them as often as you need to complete the questions.
- KENAN et SEDJRO ONLY!: You will also listen to "pistes 10 et 11" and complete the tasks.
- Once you have handed in your paper to me, open "VERBES -ER"; some of you had trouble to open these activities over the week-end. Do 3 - 4 games.
- Once you, have completed these activities, you can go to LINGUASCOPE. Remember: our password is dante. Check with me for the activity you will do.
- Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
vendredi le 27 mars: We continued to work with 1 and 2 verbs to communicate what we do or do not do as sports or activities. Students answered different questions using both the affirmative and the negative. Students began tasks that need to be completed for Monday's class. DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 30 MARS: Complete the tasks on the hand-out. You need to answer in complete sentences. Read the examples and use them as a guide to help you.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 29 March - 4 April
29 March - 4 April
lundi le 30 mars: Students played "Promenons-nous dans les bois"; reviewed the use of "ne / pas, n' / pas" to communicate the negative; reviewed how "du, de la, de l', des" change to "de / d" in a negative statement. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
mardi le 31 mars: Students read and discussed descriptions about likes and dislikes (activities/sports); completed reading task; prepared and presented their personal likes/dislikes modeling the magazine article descriptions. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 2 avril:
1-You will first complete two listening activities; don't forget to write your names on the activity sheet. Both "PISTE 65" and “PISTE 22”(tracks) are uploaded below. Once you have complete these two listening activities, hand your paper in to Madame House. Then, follow the directions to get to Linguascope and what you need to do.
PSEUDO (username): aiszagreb
MOT DE PASSE (password): dante
Listen to and complete activities about PAQUES.
Bonnes vacances, tout le monde! Et…
- 5 April - 11 April
5 April - 11 April
Bonnes vacances!
- 12 April - 18 April
12 April - 18 April
le 13 avril: Reviewed/learned numbers to 70. Learned and discussed some symbols of France. Student presented his work about his trip to Paris over the break. DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 14 AVRIL: Complete tasks 1 and 2 (only 1 and 2!) on the hand-out. Practice the numbers. There is a game uploaded below. Review your notes about symbols of France.
mardi le 14 avril: Reviewd/practiced using numbers to 70; corrected 2 tasks (yesterday's homework); continued and finished learning about some symbols of France. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi. HOWEVER, you will have a little quiz on Friday - numbers to 70, using either "jouer" or "faire" to answer questions about sports/activities, and symbols of France.
jeudi le 16 avril: Prepared our portfolios (post-unit self-evalutation); read and presented dialogues (Les Trois Mousquetaires); reviewed numbers and key questions/answers in preparation of tomorrow's quiz. DEVOIRS POUR VENDREDI LE 17 AVRIL: Quiz! You should do one final review of your vocabulary (sports/activities), forms of the verbs "jouer" and "faire", and your numbers.
vendredi le 17 avril: Students listened to a short presentation about a trip to Paris; completed the quiz; prepared portfolios. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 19 April - 25 April
19 April - 25 April
lundi le 20 avril: Corrected Friday's test (sentences); prepared portfolio for Unit 5; discussed the main communication goals of the unit; learned/reviewed numbers 70 to 100; listened to and practiced opening dialogue of Unit 5. DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 21 AVRIL: Practice numbers from 0 to 100. Try the 2 activities uploaded below
mardi le 21 avril: Practiced using numbers to 100; read and presented a dialogue (sites of Paris, modes of transportation). DEVOIRS POUR JEUDI LE 23 AVRIL: Quiz on numbers from 70 to 100.
jeudi le 23 avril: Quiz (70 - 100); students learned and practiced the forms of the verb "aller" (to go) and learned/practiced the names of different buildings/businesses in a city. DEVOIRS POUR VENDREDI LE 24 AVRIL: Practice the forms of the verb "aller" (you can sing the song!)
vendredi le 24 avril: Went over the quiz (numbers 70 - 100) Practiced using "aller + prepositions + commerces" : played "a la peche" Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 26 April - 2 May
26 April - 2 May
lundi le 27 avril: Practiced forms of "aller", reviewed "etre, avoir, faire"; completed speaking, reading, and writing tasks. Practiced using the new vocabulary (buildings and businesses). Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mardi.
mardi le 28 avril: Practiced answering the question "Ou est-ce que tu vas?" (using aller + preposition + vocabulary for building/place) Practiced numbers. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 30 avril: Students completed translating sentences. Reviewed/learned prepositions to communicate how one travels (ex. by bus, on foot); vocabulary for modes of transport; writing sentences to communicate where you are going and how you are getting there. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 3 May - 9 May
3 May - 9 May
lundi le 4 mai: Speaking, reading, and writing activities combining the verb "aller", prepositions, and vocabulary for buildings and transportation. DEVOIRS POUR MARDI LE 5 MAI: Review/learn the forms of 'ALLER" -- you need to know this verb!, vocabulary (15 words) for buildings/places -- can you spell them?, vocabulary for transport, and prepositions! (a, au, a la, a l', --- en)
mardi le 5 mai: We reviewed 'ALLER + prepositin (a, au, a la, a l') + building + en/a = mode of transport; continued to learn about Paris. DEVOIRS POUR JEUDI LE 7 MAI: You will have a quiz on Thursday on using the forms of 'ALLER", prepositions + buildings (the 15 that you need to know) and en/a + transport.
jeudi le 7 mai: Students completed quiz; learned about some major sites in Paris (using a map of Paris.) Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour vendredi.
vendredi le 8 mai: Corrected quiz; finished learning about sites in Paris; learned the song "Aux Champs Elysees". DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 11 MAI: complete exercises 1, 2, and 3 on hand-out. Practice the new song! (uploaded below!)
- 10 May - 16 May
10 May - 16 May
lundi le 11 mai: We corrected the work the students needed to complete for homework; completed a reading task about "la Tour Eiffel"; reviewed and summarized how to ask different questions. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
mardi le 12 mai: Continued to review/use/practice different types of questions to ask "who, what, do/does, where, how". Students began to prepare short interviews.
jeudi le 14 mai: Students completed short interviews and presented to class; completed a writing task (This is the answer. What would be the question?). Played a game (Ma journee a Paris.) Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 17 May - 23 May
17 May - 23 May
lundi le 18 mai: Warmed-up with questions/answers; learned the verb PRENDRE (to take) and used it to create sentences (D'habitude, nous prenons le bus pour aller au stade.) Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mardi.
mardi le 19 mai: Practiced using forms of the verb "PRENDRE". Learned prepositions to locate buildings (devant/derriere, a cote de, en face de); practiced using them to describe a city map and its buildings. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi et vendredi (le 21 et 22 mai): Students began to design "Ma ville"; reviewed prepositions. DEVOIRS POUR LUNDI LE 25 MAI: Your city must be finished! Remember to label the buildings, give streets names.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 24 May - 30 May
24 May - 30 May
lundi le 25 mai: reviewed prepositions (locations); read a conversation (using transportaion/likes and dislikes) and completed a verb chart (aimer, aller, prendre); learned how to give directions (turn right, turn left, go straight ahead, cross the street) Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour demain.
mardi le 26 mai: Students prepared their draft paragraph describing their city. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour jeudi.
jeudi le 28 mai: Students did the teacher/student conferencing for the paragraphs (Ma ville ...); began final good copy. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour vendredi.
vendredi le 29 mai: Students learned how to use the pronoun "Y" (there) to replace places. They learned how to use it in the affirmative and in the negative; practiced writing questions and answering using "Y"; students finished final good copy of "Ma ville" and presented to each other. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour lundi.
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 31 May - 6 June
31 May - 6 June
Students were away on their Grade 5 field trip. No classes Monday and Tuesday.
No classes Thursday and Friday due to the holiday.
- 7 June - 13 June
7 June - 13 June
lundi le 8 juin: Students completed Portfolios. They listened to a conversation of a student presenting herself and and answered questions. Using guiding questions, students presented each other. Students listened to and read a text about a telephone conversaion; answered questions regarding content. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour mardi.
NO CLASS TUESDAY JUNE 9 - Students involved in the "Battle of the Books".
jeudi le 11 juin: Students presented each other and began a presentation to present themselves. Il n'y a pas de devoirs pour vendredi.
vendredi le 12 juin: Completed a reading about a "Journal de Voyage"; we played "a la peche".
Bon week-end, tout le monde!
- 14 June - 20 June
14 June - 20 June
lundi, le 15 juin: Notre derniere classe ensemble! Students presented themselves.
Au revoir ... Merci .... et
- 21 June - 27 June
21 June - 27 June
- 28 June - 4 July
28 June - 4 July
- 5 July - 11 July
5 July - 11 July
- 12 July - 18 July
12 July - 18 July
- 19 July - 25 July
19 July - 25 July
- 26 July - 1 August
26 July - 1 August
- 2 August - 8 August
2 August - 8 August
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